CLF 2025

Paper Submissions

Full Paper Submission Guidelines
Review Process
  • The accepted papers will be published after the conference in the bookseries “Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems” of Springer. The proceedings will be indexed in Web of Science and Scopus.
  • Please use one of the following templates from the publisher (only these template formats will be accepted):
    • CLF2025Template.docm: sample Microsoft Word document with formatting macros
    • CLF2025Template_Mac.docm: sample Microsoft Word document with formatting macros. A special version of the sample document for users of Microsoft Word for Mac 2016 and newer. Please note that the macros are NOT compatible with Microsoft Word for Mac 2011.
    • SPLNPROC Technical Instructions.pdf: Detailed instructions on how to use the template and its macros.
    • LaTex package: the template in LaTex format
  • Please submit your final paper using the ConfTool before the deadline of 4 November 2024.
  • The papers must be submitted in English.
  • Don’t add any author details in the paper itself – please leave the author details within the template blank/ as is, to ensure a double-blind peer review process. Please also remove any institution, Learning Factory name and funding statements in your full paper for review purposes.
  • Each paper should consist of a minimum of 4 pages and a maximum of 8 pages (including references and appendix).
  • If the paper was done in LaTex, please submit the paper in pdf format.
  • All papers will undergo a double-blind review process.
  • Each paper will be allocated to at least two reviewers of the Scienitfic Committee
  • Feedback from the reviewers will be communicated via ConfTool and additionally  via e-mail to the authors.
  • Note that reviewer comments may require rework to the paper, and authors need to plan accordingly
  • The registration fee includes the publication of one paper. For any additional paper contribution an additional fee will apply, up to a maximum of 3 papers per presenting author.

Call for Abstracts

The 15th Conference on Learning Factories (CLF) 2025 invites abstracts for its annual conference which will be held from 25-28 March 2025. 

We welcome you to participate in the conference, which attracts academics and researchers in the field of learning factories to meet, engage, and share about their research, good practices, and learning modules.

The goal of the Conference on Learning Factories is to promote cooperation among members to achieve excellence in teaching and research in the field of manufacturing engineering and production management.


Submission Guidelines
Submission Categories / Topics
  • Provide a descriptive title. Please use “Title Case”, i.e., start each word with a capital letter and continue in lower case. Do not use capital letters or lower case only. The abstract title should be concise and clearly convey the subject of the abstract.
  • A maximum of 3 papers per presenting author may be submitted.
  • The abstract should briefly describe the context and rationale for the study, the aim, the approach/ methodology, the main contribution(s), and relevance to learning factory concepts or applications.
  • When submitting the abstract using the ConfTool, please select at least one, and a maximum two conference categories from the list provided in the submission tool that best suits your submission.
  • Please keep in mind that final paper presentations for the conference should be done in person – this is not a hybrid conference.
  • For a final paper to be published in the conference proceedings, a paper has to be presented at the conference. No presentation, no publication.
  • Technology implementation and evaluation related to learning factories
  • Learning and didactic processes and evaluation related to learning factories
  • Learning factory business models and cooperation (industry and academic)
  • Learning factory concepts and infrastructure
  • Learning factories for sustainability and resilience

Programme at a Glance

25 March 2025

26 March 2025

27 March 2025

28 March 2025

IALF General Assembly


Welcome Reception

Day 1 | Presentations

Conference Dinner

Day 2 | Presentations

Industry Visits

Scientific Programme

To follow

Presenter Guidelines

To follow

Conference Timeline

30 August 2024
Abstract submission opens
7 October 2024
Closing of abstract submission
14 October 2024
Notification of abstract acceptance
1 November 2024
Earlybird registration opens
4 November 2024
Submission of full paper
13 December 2024
Feedback of 1st paper review
10 January 2025
Submission of revised paper
1 February 2025
Feedback of 2nd paper review
15 February 2025
Submission of camera-ready paper. Normal registration opens
25 March 2025
Normal registration closes